NASA Moon to Mars Architecture Art Challenge
NASA wants you to visualize the future of space exploration This art challenge is looking for creative, artistic images to represent NASA8217;s Moon to Mars Architecture, the agency8217;s roadmap for crewed exploration of deep space. With NASA8217;sMoon to Mars Objectivesin hand, the agency is developing an architecture for crewed exploration of the Moon, Mars, and 8230;.
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#nasa #space #news #nasa_spinoffs #nasa_technology_transfer #nasa_get_involved #nasa_earth 's_moon #nasa_general #nasa_astrophysics #nasa_protostars #nasa_science_ &_research #nasa_star_clusters #nasa_star -forming_nebulae #nasa_stars #nasa_the_milky_way #nasa_the_universe #nasa_humans_in_space #nasa_astronauts #nasa_iss_research #nasa_missions #nasa_earth #nasa_climate_change #nasa_skywatching #nasa_skywatching_tips
6 months ago