24 hours ago
Gateway: To the Future
On episode 356, United Arab Emirates astronaut Hazzaa Ali Almansoori and NASA lunar architecture lead Shatel Bhakta discuss Gateways unique airlock, as well ashow the lunar outpost will prepare us for a journey to Mars..
#nasa #space #news
4 days ago
Un viaje poético a la luna Europa
A finales de 2024 la misin Europa Clipper de la NASA emprender una odisea rumbo a la intrigante luna de Jpiter Europa, para descubrir si este mundo ocenico posee los ingredientes necesarios para la vida. La astronave llevar a bordo un mensaje de la humanidad que incluye un poema traducido al espaol.
#nasa #space #news
4 days ago
Europa Clipper's Voyage to Jupiter's Ocean Moon
As NASAs Europa Clipper spacecraft leaves Earth, it carries a message: we, too, are made of water. Europaone of Jupiters moonsis a top candidate to support life, thanks to its ocean of liquid, salty water capped by a layer of ice. Lynnae Quick-Henderson, a planetary scientist at NASA, explains how Clipper will search Europa for the building blocks of life. The mission is also a message in a bottle, bringing a greeting from one ocean world to another. Hear how Ada Limn, the Poet Laureate of the United States, used NASAs mission as inspiration for her poem In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europa and why she thinks everyoneeven space nerdsshould step back and appreciate our connections to the universe and each other..
#nasa #space #news
8 days ago
Call Sign: White Flight
On episode 355, Gene Kranz, lead flight director for Apollo missions 11 and 13, discusses leading America to the first lunar landing, his leadership and legacy, and lessons that must be carried into NASA's future exploration goals..
#nasa #space #news
11 days ago
Diana Trujillo, de Cali a la Luna y Marte
Visita Colombia, la estacin espacial y el espacio profundo de la mano de nuestra directora de vuelo Diana Trujillo, mientras haces un recorrido por su extraordinaria carrera en la NASA..
#nasa #space #news
15 days ago
On episode 354, NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov of discuss their mission, personal life, and preparation ahead of their launch to the station..
#nasa #space #news
17 days ago
Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 138: The Sun, Star of Our Cosmic Show
The Sun is the ultimate source of life in our solar system, a radiant powerhouse that bathes Earth in the energy necessary for everything from photosynthesis to weather patterns. Its warmth and light sustain us. However, the Suns influence isn't always benign. Its solar winda stream of charged particlescan disrupt our technology, causing communications blackouts and GPS glitches. In this episode, Dr. Joseph Westlake, director of NASAs Heliophysics Division, joins us to shed light on why the Sun is such a critical focus for space research..
#nasa #space #news
18 days ago
Avance de la segunda temporada
Preprate para un nuevo tour a las estrellas de la mano de la NASA Esta temporada visitaremos una intrigante luna del sistema solar, exploraremos el universo primitivo y planetas lejanos, y ahondaremos en las historias de dos latinos de otro mundo..
#nasa #space #news
18 days ago
An Asteroid by Any Other Name With Special Guest Latif Nasser
The idea of an asteroid from outer space crashing into Earth has captured the imaginations of science fiction directors for decades. But here at NASA, we take potentially hazardous near-Earth objects seriously. We have a planetary defense office that plans for every scenarioweve even practiced nudging an asteroid off course with spacecraft. But there are tens of thousands of objects in near-Earth space, and the first step in protecting against potential impacts is spotting, tracking and managing every single one of them. Learn how NASA does just that from Joe Masiero, a scientist on the asteroid survey mission NEOWISE. Then, join friend of the show Latif Nasser, co-host of the podcast Radiolab, to untangle the mystery of a strange space rock thats not quite a moon but not quite a normal asteroid, either..
#nasa #space #news
22 days ago
Developing Artemis II Training
On episode 353, the Artemis II crews chief training officer discusses her career at NASA, the complexity of astronaut training, and what it takes to prepare the quartet for their mission around the Moon..
#nasa #space #news
26 days ago
Gateway: At Your Service
On episode 352, a Gateway manager and a CSA astronautdiscuss how commercial cargo missions and robotic systems will be vital for sustaining the future lunar space station..
#nasa #space #news
29 days ago
Gateway: At Your Service
A Gateway manager and a CSA astronaut discuss how commercial cargo missions and robotic systems will be vital for sustaining the future lunar space station. HWHAP Episode 352..
#nasa #space #news
1 month ago
Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 137: The Roman Space Telescope - Uncovering the Dark Universe
We dont yet know what dark matter is, yet it makes up 85 of all the matter in the universe. The Roman Space Telescope will aim to unravel the mystery. With a field of view 100 times wider than the Hubble Space Telescopes, Roman will study in near-infrared light the atmospheres of planets orbiting other stars, making other exoplanet discoveries along the way. The mission is named after Dr. Nancy Grace Roman, NASAs first chief of astronomy and advocate for the development of the Hubble Space Telescope..
#nasa #space #news
1 month ago
Let's B-Complex
NASA nutrition scientists discuss how a daily B vitamin supplement might prevent vision changes in astronauts during long-duration space missions. HWHAP Episode 351..
#nasa #space #news
1 month ago
The Non-Stop Scientist
NASA astronaut Don Pettit discusses his life and career ahead of his fourth flight to the International Space Station. HWHAP Episode 350..
#nasa #space #news
1 month ago
Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 136: Soft Robotics
Robots inspired by nature A novel realm of engineering called soft robotics is being studied at NASAs Langley Research Center. Engineers are working to understand how soft robotics could one day support space exploration, including missions to the Moons surface..
#nasa #space #news
2 months ago
Surpassing a Year in Space
NASA astronaut Frank Rubio reflects on his record-breaking 371 days aboard the International Space Station. HWHAP Episode 349. .
#nasa #space #news
2 months ago
Gateway: Together to the Moon
European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano discusses the international elements of the Gateway lunar space station. HWHAP Episode 348..
#nasa #space #news
2 months ago
Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 135: Biofilm - Dealing with the Scum off the Earth
Cleaning scum from bathtubs and pipes can be a costly chore. Its even more challenging aboard spacecraft. NASA researchers are looking at ways to keep astronauts from having to deal with fungal or bacterial buildup, known as biofilm..
#nasa #space #news
2 months ago
After a Year on Mars
The CHAPEA Mission 1 crew reflects on their year inside of a simulated Mars habitat and shares their perspectives of what it takes to be a successful Martian crew member. HWHAP Episode 347..
#nasa #space #news
2 months ago
Mars Audio Log #12
The CHAPEA crew checks in on their last month inside of a simulated Mars habitat, and the principal investigator reflects on the year-long mission ahead of the crews egress. HWHAP Episode 346..
#nasa #space #news
2 months ago
Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 134: The Internet of Animals
The Internet of Animals, a collaborative research project with the U.S. Geological Survey along with several universities and institutions is giving insight into the intersection of animal movement patterns and climate. By combining remote sensing data with wildlife tracking tags, experts can get a better idea of scientific needs to manage conservation at the federal level..
#nasa #space #news
3 months ago
The Lost Universe
A NASA production coordinator discusses the design and inspiration behind The Lost Universe, a virtual game designed to take players to a rogue planet in order to find the missing Hubble Space Telescope. HWHAP Episode 345. .
#nasa #space #news
3 months ago
Gateway: The Lunar Space Station
A NASA astronaut and a Gateway manager discuss how the future lunar space station will be used for science, deep space exploration, and more. HWHAP Episode 344. .
#nasa #space #news
3 months ago
Episode 133: The Science of Space Gardening
In this episode, Dr. Gioia Massa, senior Life Sciences project scientist at NASAs Kennedy Space Center, outlines the systems and processes used for growing vegetables aboard the International Space Station. The technology could one day support astronauts on long-duration missions in deep space. What we learn can benefit agriculture on Earth as well..
#nasa #space #news
3 months ago
New Year, New Hosts
Houston We Have a Podcast celebrates its seven-year anniversary and the hosts talk about their roles at NASA, tell fun stories, and discuss their passion for communication and human spaceflight. HWHAP Episode 343..
#nasa #space #news
3 months ago
Mars Audio Log #11
The CHAPEA crew checks in on their eleventh month in a Mars simulated habitat, and a NASA expert discusses the measures taken to ensure that the year long mission has been conducted safely and ethically. HWHAP Episode 342. .
#nasa #space #news
3 months ago
Episode 132: Orbital Debris: Reducing Risk with Cost-Effective Strategies
A new NASA report titled "Cost and Benefit Analysis of Mitigating, Tracking, and Remediating Orbital Debris" compares the cost-effectiveness of several strategies that could reduce the risk of collisions between spacecraft, including the space station, and orbital debris..
#nasa #space #news
4 months ago
The Quesst for Low Sonic Booms
Aerospace engineers discuss NASAs Quesst mission and the X-59 aircraft designed to fly faster than the speed of sound and test the future of supersonic travel. HWHAP Episode 341. .
#nasa #space #news
4 months ago
NBL Environments
An engineer at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory discusses how environmental effects help make spacewalk training more realistic in the 40-foot-deep pool. HWHAP Episode 340. .
#nasa #space #news